The most popular reason to get a greeting card is to wish someone a happy birthday—but don’t let yours get lost in the pile! The best way to find inspiration is to keep the birthday girl’s or boy’s interests and hobbies in mind. Opt for sustainably-sourced birthday cards for your nature-loving bu...
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Milestones and life-changing events shouldn’t go without notice. Whether your loved one is graduating college, moving to a new place, or just taking a risk on a new adventure—show your support. Send them a congratulations card that you know they will appreciate. It’s a gentle and sincere reminder...
One thing I have always wanted Compass Paper Co to be is responsible which means making choices to ensure each stage in the life of our products are as environmentally friendly as possible. From how we manufacture to how they are used to how they are eventually disposed of - it’s honestly a lot ...
There is nothing quite like a friendship built on mutual love and passion for the great outdoors. After all, the memories made while fishing, hiking, or even the stories shared during a night by the campfire are absolutely priceless. Whether you have already shared some beautiful moments together...
But for real... have you? One of the tasks I hate most about owning a product based business is writing product descriptions. It's the pits, people. But since I don't feel like I need to write 1,000 words on the features of a greeting card - besides what they are made of, how they are made and ...
Valentine’s Day is coming up faster than you think, and with it comes the Valentine’s Day card exchange. I think we can all agree that there are way too many cheesy poems and sickly-sweet sentiments that come with the holiday, and that it’s time to skip the sappy stuff and brainstorm some less cr...