The most popular reason to get a greeting card is to wish someone a happy birthday—but don’t let yours get lost in the pile! The best way to find inspiration is to keep the birthday girl’s or boy’s interests and hobbies in mind. Opt for sustainably-sourced birthday cards for your nature-loving buddies to show you are thinking of them on their special day. Then add some spice with a personalized birthday wish message to make it extra special.
For the Foodie
Acknowledge your buddy’s love for food by getting them this “Treat Yo Self" card. It’s their special day so they should be at liberty to indulge and eat all of their favorite foods. What should you write in a birthday card? Personalize it with a lighthearted, happy birthday message listing their favorite dishes or favorite restaurants. Or be extra thoughtful and write about one of the best meals you had together.
For the Surfer
Surf’s up! Get your fellow surfer buddy this “Swell” card to wish them a swell day full of barrels and choice waves. Surfing is a lifestyle, so get your friend a card they’ll want to hold on to and cherish. Add a cute birthday quote like “Hope your special day brings you all that your heart desires” and then bring a touch of personalization to it by alluding to a surfing memory (ex: “I’ll never forget that time you wiped out in Uluwatu”) you had together.
For the Camper
To wish a camper and outdoor lover a happy birthday, get them this “S’mores” card with a cozy campfire reference. Or opt for this “Super Chill” card with a foldable camping chair exuding some chill campsite vibes. Customize it with a personal message referring to one of their favorite places to set up their tent for the weekend. Or remind them of a time you went camping together (with a gentle reminder to plan another trip soon).
For the Angler
Fishing buddies are one of a kind, and there is nothing quite like the conversations you have while waiting around (endlessly) for the fish to bite. Get your angler friend a “Keep it Reel” card sending a message to stay cool for yet another year. Or get a “Tie One On” card and add a message teasing them about “that one catch that got away”, which they don’t seem to stop talking about!