I designed the “Let’s go hiking please” card years ago in 2016. And back then it looked totally different. It was just plain, teal text on a white background. I was just starting to push out of the feminine watercolor box I had put myself in when I first began with stationery (that’s another story for another long post some day). In an effort to break from that I started doing illustrations and designs that were more “me” - things that weren’t watercolor but were bold, punny and revolved around my love for the outdoors.
This past year, my first year full time with Compass Paper Co, I overhauled everything. I designed a new website and sat down and tons of new designs poured out of me. I said goodbye to old designs that I no longer liked and didn’t work anymore. Plus I spent a lot of time giving a facelift to fun ideas I had years ago but needed a change to fit into where I felt like Compass has been heading.
I always liked the idea of a card that said “Let’s Go Hiking Please.” The whole point of sending that to someone was to start a conversation that turned into an adventure. And as Compass Paper Co truly started to become an outdoor stationery brand and that design got a new, colorful look this past Spring that idea took off again. We sold through a ton. A lot of shops we work with picked it up. I started getting requests for other verbs - not just hiking. And I was happy to oblige and set out to add more “let’s go please” cards while I worked on new cards for 2020 last Fall.
I am so excited to have added 5 more designs to our Let’s Go Please collection. And I hope you are just as excited about them too!
At the end of the day, Compass Paper Co is all about connection. Hundreds of “Let’s Go Hiking Please” cards were sent out last year. And I am so beyond stoked thinking that those cards helped jumpstart hundreds of connections, conversations and adventures. That’s what I have always wanted this business to be and I am so happy to see it become that through you - our amazing customers and retailers.